Thursday, December 3, 2009

Being Mindful Easing Suffering or Poly MVA


Author: Christopher Johns

Written by an experienced palliative care nurse, trainer, and complementary therapist, Being Mindful, Easing Suffering is an essential resource for professionals working with the seriously ill and the dying. Chris Johns describes how he has combined traditional medical, and more reflective models in his palliative practice, enabling him to work mindfully to alleviate physical and non-physical pain and suffering throughout the health-illness cycle. With reference to ideas from Buddhist philosophy around compassion and reflective knowing, this important book shows how the core task of those working in palliative care is to nurture the spiritual growth and development of their patients and, in turn, themselves.

Table of Contents:
Pt. 1Mindful practice13
Pt. 2Being mindful, easing suffering: The narrative35
Pt. 3Postscript: Reflections from a Buddhist perspective251
App. 1The Being available template255
App. 2: Glossary of drugs261
Subject Index267
Author Index272

See also: Chicago or Once in a Lifetime Trips

Poly-MVA: A New Supplement in the Fight Against Cancer

Author: Robert D Miln

Poly-MVA is the first commercially available product in a newly recognized class of supplements known as palladium lipoic complexes (LAPds). Promising evidence indicates that Poly-MVA's ingredients can target and eliminate cancerous cells without harming healthy ones. While Poly-MVA's most important use is in the battle against cancer, its total lack of toxicity and its many rejuvenating and healing effects on cell function make it an ideal nutrient for the prevention of other diseases and for general support of health. Poly-MVA is a proprietary formulation that contains palladium, alpha-lipoic acid (a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier), vitamins B[subscript 1], B[subscript 2], and B[subscript 12] (coenzymes in the process of cellular respiration), formyl-methionine and acetylcysteine (important amino acids), and trace amounts of the metals molybdenum, rhodium, and ruthenium. Each ingredient has its own unique characteristics and healing properties. Poly-MVA begins with an easy-to-understand discussion on cancer formation so that you can understand how alternative cancer therapies such as palladium lipoic complexes can help. Then it introduces you to Poly-MVA and provides all of the up-to-date information on this promising new supplement.

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