Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Lupus Book or Antidepressant Solution

The Lupus Book: A Guide for Patients and Their Families

Author: Daniel J Wallac

Lupus, a disease of the immune system, can be quite deadly, claiming the lives of thousands of patients yearly. Dr. Daniel J. Wallace is one of the world's leading authorities on this disorder, an eminent clinician who has treated over 2000 lupus patients, the largest such practice in America. His The Lupus Book, originally published in 1995, immediately established itself as the most readable and helpful book on the disease.
Now Dr. Wallace has once again completely revised The Lupus Book, incorporating a wealth of new information. This Fourth Edition discusses the newest clinical trials and emerging therapies--all laid out in user-friendly language that any patient could understand. Readers will also discover fully updated sections on the science of lupus and breakthroughs in research. And as in past editions, the book provides absolutely lucid answers to such questions as: What causes lupus? How and where is the body affected? Can a woman with lupus have a baby? And how can one manage this disease? Indeed, Dr. Wallace has distilled his extensive experience, providing the most up-to-date information on causes, prevention, cure, exercise, diet, and many other important topics. There is also a glossary of terms and an appendix of lupus resource materials compiled by the Lupus Foundation of America.
Over a million Americans have lupus. The Fourth Edition of The Lupus Book offers these patients and their families a wealth of reliable, up-to-date information that will help them manage the disease and live a happier life.

Publishers Weekly

Continuing with his quest for physical and emotional health, Deepak Chopra (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind) zeroes in on common intestinal disorders in Perfect Digestion: The Key to Balanced Living, due in October from Harmony. Digestion plays a central role in our lives, says Chopra, turning to Ayurveda, the traditional Indian science of health, for greater understanding of the mind-body connection. Explaining how the gastrointestinal tract works when it's healthy, he offers suggestions for restoring it to health when ideal functioning is lost through imbalance or disease. Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Club alternate selections. ($15 128p ISBN 0-517-79975-8) An autoimmune disorder that often defies diagnosis and to date has defied a cure is closely considered in Dr. Daniel J. Wallace's The Lupus Book, an October title from Oxford University Press. Describing the mechanism of the disease and putting therapies into perspective, Wallace, an L.A.-based specialist in lupus, blends clinical information with practical advice. ($25 256p ISBN 0-19-508443-8) In The Race Is Run One Step at a Time: Every Woman's Guide to Taking Charge of Breast Cancer, a September title from the Summit Group, Nancy Brinker addresses the reader in personal terms. Having lost her sister to breast cancer and waged her own successful battle with the disease, she describes the devastating course of her sister's disease and discusses the importance of early detection, care and preventative measures. This revision is updated from a 1990 edition to incorporate information about the latest technologies and statistics. ($13.95 paper, 224p ISBN 1-56530-182-X)

Library Journal

Nearly one million people in the United States suffer from lupus erythematosus, which develops when the body becomes allergic to itself. Because of the difficulty of diagnosing lupus, several years may elapse before an accurate diagnosis is made, resulting in mental anguish and damage to vital organs. By increasing public awareness of this disease, Wallace, a world authority on lupus, hopes to effect earlier diagnosis. In a lay companion to the renowned Dubois' Lupus Erythematosus (Williams & Wilkins, 1992. 4th ed.), which he coauthored, Wallace thoroughly explains the body's immunological processes and the causes, diagnosis, management, manifestations, prognosis, and genetic risks of lupus. Containing detailed illustrations and charts similar to those found in medical texts, The Lupus Book is written for allied health professionals as well as patients at the college reading level. Several other current books offer simpler explanations and more easily understood charts while placing a greater emphasis on coping skills; Mark Horowitz's Coping with Lupus (Penguin, 1994) and Sheldon Blau's Living with Lupus (LJ 11/1/93) are among the best. Wallace's book is recommended for those who require a detailed explanation of the disease.-Mary Prottsman, Medical Lib., Enterprise, Ala.

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Antidepressant Solution: A Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Overcoming Antidepressant Withdrawal, Dependence, and "Addiction"

Author: Joseph Glenmullen

and/or stickers showing their discounted price. More about bargain books

Table of Contents:



1. Antidepressant Withdrawal and Dependence: Defining the Problem

2. Resolving the Controversy over "Addiction" to Antidepressants: The BBC Exposé

3. The Withdrawal Spectrum: Mild, Moderate, and Severe Withdrawal Reactions

4. How Changing the Dose of Antidepressants Up or Down May Make Patients Suicidal

5. Worst Offenders: The Antidepressants that Cause the Most Frequent Withdrawal Reactions

6. The 5-Step Antidepressant Tapering Program: How to Avoid Uncomfortable or Dangerous

Withdrawal Reactions

7. Step 1. Evaluating Whether You Are Ready to Try Tapering Off Your Antidepressant

8. Step 2. Making the Initial Dosage Reduction

9. Step 3. Monitoring Withdrawal Symptoms After a Dosage Reduction

10. Step 4. Making Additional Dosage Reductions

11. Step 5. The End-of-Taper Evaluation

12. Tapering Children Off Antidepressants


Appendix 1: Daily Checklist of Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms

Appendix 2: Graph of an Antidepressant Withdrawal Reaction

Appendix 3: Tapering Older Tricyclic and Heterocyclic Antidepressants

Appendix 4: Tapering Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor Antidepressants




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